The Solid Colours Cocker Spaniel Association

Open Show April 2003

BIS April 2003

BIS: Marris Bray's Helenwood Amere
RBIS: West's Sheigra Swinging Sixties J.W.
BOS: Gilmour's Chavez Royal Purser
BPIS: Thomas's Fendrove I'm No Angel At Claramand
BMPIS: Reed's Delindere Girl Friday

Judge: Nannette Howell (Waterwood)

Judge's Critique (PDF file)

Red, Gold, Liver, Liver/Tan Puppy
1 Fendrove I'm No Angel at Claramand
2 Robraine Tendulkar

Red, Gold, Liver, Liver/Tan Junior
1 Wensum Montoya

Red, Gold, Liver, Liver/Tan Graduate
1 Helenwood Technique
2 Wensum I'm Your Man
3 Chavez First Choice
4 Annashonn Golden Memory at Franaille

Red, Gold, Liver, Liver/Tan Open
1 Sheigra Swinging Sixties JW
2 Othamcourt Sunkist at Cascadia JW
3 Indumiso Shauney
4 Wensum Light Fantastic

Black, Black/Tan Puppy
1 Helenwood Forest Glade
2 Claramand Looking Good
3 Stromboli Sweet Savannah
4 Withiflor White Knight

Black, Black/Tan Junior
1 Robraine Davendra JW
2 Charbonnel Yvette
3 Wensum Mardi Gras
4 Saltram Gracious Gift for Harbethol

Black, Black/Tan Graduate
1 Wensum Mardi Gras
2 Weyhill Gabrielle
3 Chativore Ashleys Misletoe

Black, Black/Tan Open
1 Indumiso Tear's

Any Solid Colour: Minor Puppy Dog
1 Claramand Hells Angel
2 Chavez Royal Cavalier
3 Indumiso Resolution

Minor Puppy Bitch
1 Delindere Girl Friday
2 Perrytree Dolly Daydream
3 Roessque So Classy
4 Marandis Monalisa

Puppy Dog
1 Cardamine Bring Me Sunshine
2 Claramand Hells Angel
3 Lujesa Instigator at Helenwood
4 Robraine Tendulkar

Puppy Bitch
1 Helenwood Forest Glade
2 Cardamine Bring Me Love
3 Stromboli Sweet Seraphina

1 Jimmison Jinseng
2 Wensum Jane Eyre
3 Melgrove Fatal Attraction
3 Indumiso Jacqueline

1 Wensum Jenson Button
2 Charbonnel Yvette
3 Chativore Ashleys Misletoe

1 Fendrove I'm No Angel at Claramand
2 Wensum Jenson Button
3 Charbonnel Yvette
4 Saltram Gracious Gift for Harbethol

1 Wensum Jane Eyre
2 Cardamine Libra
3 Sheigra Solar Symohony JW
4 Annashonn Golden Memory at Franaille

Post Graduate
1 Helenwood Irresistabelle
2 Perrytree Golden Plum
3 Cardamine King Edward
4 Indumiso Page

Open Dog
1 Chavez Royal Purser
2 Judika Prairie Gold
3 Cardamine Hot Potato
4 Sheigra Special Vintage JW

Open Bitch
1 Helenwood Amere
2 Indumiso Tears

1 Cascadia Caution to the Wind
2 Asquannes Gopenge